Thursday, August 27, 2009

Worship Through Writing

It used to bother me that music has never been a very natural way for me to connect with God. This is "worship" isn't it? I watch others having these fantastic "worship" experiences through music at church and I can feel like there is something wrong with me. I don't know how many times I've had speakers inadvertently "shame" me because God "commands us to worship" and it is "through music and singing".

Wow. Talk about legalism. I can't blame them when they say it, because it has been passed down through the generations, but it harms us nevertheless: this legalism I'm referring to. Unwritten rules we are supposedly supposed to follow in order to be in God's good graces, as if we needed to "earn grace".*

Here is how I personally worship God most often. (1) I talk to Him while I'm driving and reflecting on Him. (2) I write these blog entries. (3) I live in the light of vulnerability with trusted others according to 1 John.

When an idea about spirituality comes to mind (most often as I'm driving and reflecting) I realize I have a blog entry that is ready to type. The spiritual idea or practical advice is coming from deep within my heart and I realize my desire to write it down on paper is this powerful form of worship. I want to get His love out onto paper!

Some people sing. Some people write music. Some people pray in a quiet room. Some people preach. I write Crossing Border Stories. Read them if you want. I almost don't care. I'm worshiping God.
*Lyrics from Tenth Avenue North

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