Monday, August 10, 2009

God is My Judge

There are all sorts of circumstances, ideologies, sub-cultures, people, and even my own mind who wish to judge me incorrectly. If I believe all these things judge me for who I really am, then I am doomed to a lifetime of frustration and self-rejection. This is why I believe in Christ. He judges me correctly. He judges me totally lovable because He has made me totally lovable. It is so counter-intuitive because so often I base my self-perception on my outward behavior instead of who God has declared me to be. He has put Himself inside of me. What kind of a God would willingly put Himself into one of His creatures and then put on a big frown that was dependent on anything other than His declaration of my righteousness? Christ doesn’t declare me righteous because of anything I’ve ever done to earn it. He simply declares I am righteous, lovable, delightful, fun, and enjoyable because He has declared me to be these adjectives when I came to my senses and saw that only He could make me this way in the first place. Then, He entered me in some sort of mysterious way and declared me to be all these things. Essentially, He declared me to be like-God, because by putting Himself into me, He had made me like-Him.

Now, when all sorts of things, people, and my own mind want to judge me, I pray to God as it is happening and say, “God, these things, people, and especially my own self can’t be my judge. God, you are my judge. I know You judge me correctly. Lovable. Righteous. Satisfying. I am not a mistake. Once I get centered back on who God declares me to be, then I can get on to maturity and living life to the fullest.

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