Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tears in the "Room of Grace"

People get teary-eyed in my church reasonably often. A "Room of Grace" we call it. I remember last Easter we baptized a couple dozen people and I found myself very emotional, listening to their stories, and trying to cover my teary-eyes. Then I realized the guy next to me was doing the same thing. No need to hide them at that point. So thankful to be in a place like this.

On another occasion, I found myself a little emotional during the service. I had a tear in my eye. My first instinct is to feel funny about that, especially as a man. In this situation, I happened to look across the aisle and saw a 65 year-old man wiping away his tears. So thankful to be in a place like this.

2011 addendum: I continue to long for these moments of vulnerability when I and others in our congregation meet God in a tangibly emotional way. I don't get teary eyed as much in services these days, but my relationships are much more emotionally connected. I still find myself teary eyed in a number of other venues when I feel the power of God in relationship - especially when I relate to others and it is surrounded with joy and power or even sadness and loss. The tears tell me that God and others are real. Peace flows in and around those emotions.

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