Friday, October 7, 2011

A Personal Definition of Joy

The inability to carry this weight and power.
Yet I carry it.
This is joy.
I wrote these words in response to how I feel when I am acting out of my true self, as opposed to my sinful nature. (Let me say that I act out of my sinful nature a lot, so don't get the wrong idea here) But, when I act from my true self, I find that I am powerful and I move people without really trying to move them. I am simply "me" and it is powerful. It moves people. Yet, during these times when I feel this sense of weight and power, I also have this realization that I am unable to carry it, as if my entire being might burst open. Yet, somehow I don't burst open. I am held together. It is pure grace. It is God. He is who I speak of. He is the weight and power I carry inside me. It is a great paradox. There is no way I can carry God inside me, yet He is inside me. It isn't possible, but it's real. It just is what it is.

The feeling associated with this paradox is joy.
Nehemiah 8:10

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Steven! This is deep and beautiful and TRUE and picturesque (sp?!) WOW.