Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Proud Heart and a Humble Heart

A proud or boastful heart is concerned about being exposed for being right* or being wrong, being moral or immoral, doing something correctly or incorrectly, succeeding or failing. The key idea here is fearing exposure. They fear being exposed for anything, no matter what it may be.

A humble heart, on the other hand, claims rightness or wrongness, morality or immorality, correctness or incorrectness, success or failure; whatever the case may be. The humble heart sometimes might hide for a while. This is true. It might take a while - maybe a few minutes, a few hours, a few days or weeks; but, the humble heart is bound to come around. It is the new person that has been awakened.

A humble heart also knows that it can't survive on its own. The humble person needs a safety net. A God who isn't ashamed of him or her. A group of trusted others who aren't either. The humble person bravely risks exposure surrounded by such a safety net.
*A proud heart even downplays when they are moral, right or successful. Still hiding. This is all a proud heart knows to do. Put on the mask. Must protect ourselves from any accusation. Ironically, the proud heart is concerned about being called prideful or boastful. They say things like, "Oh, it was nothing" to the gratitude of another**, instead of simply saying, "You're welcome. It was my pleasure." This second answer is the heart of a humble person. They claim their service. It is who God made them to be. They risk the accusations.
**I know this person very well, because this used to be me.

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