Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Letter from God

Hezekiah was a king of Judah back in the day*. He was in a desperate situation and about to loose his kingdom to the hands of the Assyrians. He sent a message to the prophet Isaiah. It said:

"Isaiah, could you relay the following to God? Tell him, 'We're in a really desperate situation. Would you help us?'" (2 Kings 19:3-4, SDT).

God's response: He sent a message back to Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah. It said, "This letter to you Hezekiah is the sign that I'm going to save you" (2 Kings 19:29 SDT).

This is extraordinary.

Don't we all want to read our name in a personalized letter from God?
*700's BC or so.

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