Friday, January 30, 2009

Addressing Legalism (Part VI): Jesus Intentionally Killed Legalism

Jesus intentionally killed legalism. He touched unclean people. He hung out with tax collectors and sinners. He talked to women and even let them touch Him. He worked on the Sabbath. He fought for justice and compassion over position and religious power. He directly and openly challenged the pride of the Pharisees. They killed Him.

He knew this would happen. The scripture says that it was because of the joy set before Him that he endured the cross. He bore our real sin and made us clean. Had He never intended to do so, He never would have been born. He never would have healed so many, poured His life into 12 close friends, nor would He have fought so hard for our freedom. The legalists may have inadvertently killed Legalism, but Jesus did it intentionally.

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