Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've often heard people say, "Only God can satisfy. All other things you try to do in order to satisfy you pale in comparison to Him. You must place Him in the center of all things. All other things are idols."

Although this is 100% true in my opinion, most people go about it the wrong way. They do all sorts of religious ceremonies, devotional readings, spiritual fervor prayer sessions, and spiritual-formulaic contortions. "Gotta get my heart right, stir up these feelings, and have nothing else before Him so I can be satisfied." That's how it goes in many legalistic-evangelical circles.

The best thing you can do so that God starts to satisfy you above all other things; however, is to start by realizing the Gospel, which is that He's already satisfied with you. This changes everything.


1 Thoughtful said...

"The best thing you can do so that God starts to satisfy you above all other things; however, is to start by realizing the Gospel, which is that He's already satisfied with you. This changes everything." This changes everything. I'll be quoting it to myself for awhile.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment Mom.