Monday, March 1, 2010

Separating the Christian from God (Short Version)

How we feel about ourselves as Christians and how God feels about us as Christians are two totally different animals. God believes there is no problem in our relationship with each other because He has stripped all our sin away and made us new people (Rom 8:1, 2 Cor 5:17, 2 Cor 5:21). We are tempted to believe (and maybe even often believe) that there is a problem or something wrong between us and God because we experience feelings of shame in the here-and-now when we sin, are sinned against, or even make mistakes and fail (which isn’t even sin in the first place). We project these feelings of shame and disappointment upon God as if they belong to Him—as if this is how He feels about us.

The question is: Are we going to believe what God says or what we feel? This is where we have to get into touch with our separateness from God, so to speak. How He feels and how we feel are two totally different animals. Get in touch with this separateness and neat feelings of healthy attachment are complementary. Believing what God has to say about the matter is one of the greatest honors we could ever give Him.

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