Check out these two different statements:
1. I want to glorify God out of a response of gratitude for what He has done for me.
2. I want to glorify God because that is who He has turned me into - one who wants to do this.
Do you see the difference?
The first statement, albeit very good intentions, is still very self-centered. It turns into, "Why am I not glorifying God? Why don't I have enough gratitude? I must not love Him enough." It still relies on a works based perception of the gospel.
The second statement has nothing to do with performance. It doesn't even talk about performance. It simply talks about where the desire comes from. It comes from God. The desire could be smaller than an electron, but it comes from God.
The first belief leads to a lifetime of frustration. Ironically, the second belief will ultimately lead to a life filled with gratitude for what He has done for us, the very thing belief #1 was trying to get at all along.
Hey Steven,
I really appreciate this blog. Whenever I see on fb that you've updated it, I read it right away. It's a real source of encouragement. So just wanted to say thanks and please keep writing!
You're welcome Emma. Thanks for the comment. It means a lot. When others enjoy my writing too, it is a huge blessing to me. Thanks!
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