As believers, many of us don't believe these things. We think, "I know this is true on paper, but God why hasn't it happened for me? It seems like these things are stressful, overwhelming, and incapable of ever coming true."
One part of the answer is: We have to believe these things are gifts before they start to happen. Then, in due time, they will start to happen. We will feel protected and loved, because that is exactly what is happening.
If these things don't feel like gifts to you right now, the best thing you can do is go to God and say, "God, these things don't feel like gifts at all to me. I don't believe it." With that type of honesty, He can start working with you. The reason I believe this is true is because God isn't a belief system. He's real. You can't go and ask your belief system for help or change your belief system to help you. But, you can go to God and He will help you.
The end goal is that God wants to bring you into closer relationships with others and experience the closeness that He already feels with you.
*Not just sexual lust, but lust in all its forms. Anything that is obsessive and takes us away from reality. Obsessive behavior most often results in dysfunctional relationships. This is the very thing God is trying to protect us from.
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