Marriages and Partnering. Immediate Families. Extended Families. Schools. Workplaces. Universities. Religious Communities. Scientific Communities. Right or Left Wing Organizations and Communities. Student Organizations. Athletic Organizations. Missionary Organizations. Non-Profit Organizations. Hollywood. Gangs. Law Enforcement. Activist Organizations. Academic Communities. Artistic Communities. Political Organizations. The Corporate World. The Military. Etc.
The moment we try to blame religion for all of the problems in the world, we fail to see one of the main problems in our societies which is the unwritten rules of control which govern our interactions in any institution:
What we can do. What we can't do. When we're allowed to speak. When we're not allowed to speak.
The person who leaves religion most often moves into another community where a new set of unwritten rules is placed upon him or her. They might feel a sense of freedom at first, but soon to follow will come the unwritten rules of control in that community.
The solution to this problem goes much deeper than switching communities. It requires transforming the very nature of these communities from within or finding or creating entire new communities which abide by the rules of love* instead of the rules of control.
Unfortunately, many have tried to create these new communities without understanding the unwritten rules of control they were following in the first place and have simply transferred these rules into the new ones they have created.
The solution has to do with the rules of love which I'll cover in another entry. They aren't restrictive, permissive, or tolerant, although they might involve these qualities. The rules of love have an entirely different nature.
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