Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Adventures God Longs to Take Us On

Our desire to go on adventures is fueled by God’s desire to take us on adventures in the first place. We live in a fallen world where people hurt and are hurt by one another. God longs to take us into this pain and suffering in order to be part of the solution for repairing such damage that has been done. We experience feelings of joy and exhilaration when we go through stories of survival and rejuvenation. We feel ourselves coming to life. We feel ourselves coming to the rescue of those around us by being resources* for their adventures, as well. Adventures call upon our sense for the heroic and for the romantic. It is in our design to emulate Christ in this respect. He fought for us. He died for us. He loved us. He raised us to new life. God longs to send us on adventures which raise us and those around us to new life.
*We are unable to force those around us to be rescued. We offer ourselves as resources with healthy boundaries. If I think I can save you, then I am falling into a certain level of co-dependency which is unable to save you in the first place. Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend is a good book to help spell out the difference.

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