For various reasons, Joseph (one of the major characters found in the early history of God's people) was thrown into prison by the Egyptian official he worked for. While in prison, Joseph happened to meet the chief cupbearer of Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt. Joseph interpreted a dream for the cupbearer correctly and determined that the cupbearer would be released from jail in three days to once again work by Pharaoh's side. Joseph told the cupbearer to remember him and tell Pharaoh about him so that he could be released from prison, for he had been falsely accused. Then get this. The cupbearer forgot to tell Pharaoh about Joseph, in order to have him released. Pretty frustrating, huh?
The reality is that this is another instance of God's love. God could have given the cupbearer another dream to remind him to tell Pharaoh about Joseph. But, God didn't do this. God leaves Joseph in prison. However, down the road, it is Pharaoh who has two dreams that deeply bother him. When the cupbearer hears about this, he tells Pharaoh about this guy he met in prison who could interpret dreams correctly. Pharaoh calls for Joseph to come to him. To make a long story short, Joseph interprets the dreams correctly, Pharaoh puts him in charge of all of Egypt, and Joseph saves the entire land and his family from dying during a seven year famine.
Now, what if the cupbearer had remembered Joseph's request to tell Pharaoh about him the first time? I am only speculating, but it seems to me that he might have merely released Joseph and Joseph would have returned home. Who knows what might have happened. But, is it possible that God delayed his release so that Pharaoh himself would call upon him? Is it possible that God was sacrificing Joseph out of his compassion for Joseph's family and the whole land of Israel?
Here's what Joseph himself had to say to his brothers (who originally sold him into slavery) about the matter. "And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you." The cupbearer forgot and left Joseph in prison for a longer period of time. On God's part and even to Joseph's understanding, this was His loving action.
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