Friday, February 1, 2013

The Rituals of Pursuit

Men, our women want to be pursued.

Our pursuit sometimes involves flowers, an evening out on the town, and a candle light dinner.  However, a stronger form of pursuit involves the daily rituals we practice over and over again to show our women that we think about them, want them, and continually want to do so.

Every morning I wake up about 2 hours before my wife due to my work schedule.  I get ready and then I make sure to do something very specific every morning.  I climb back into bed, put my cheek onto her cheek, kiss her several times, tell her I love her, and then keep my cheek next to hers for ten or fifteen seconds.  Sometimes I stroke her hair.  She stays half-a-sleep so she doesn't wake up, but she acknowledges my presence and lets me know she feels thankful for my presence.

When I get to work, I always try to send a private Facebook message when I arrive.  Sometimes it's very short like, "Hi! I just got to work and I was thinking about you.  I love you." Or, sometimes, it is more profound or creative.  Maybe I thank her for a conversation the night before and how it impacted me.  Something like that can be a short paragraph.  Sometimes, for fun, I write a rap song of my love for her.  Sometimes, I write something showing her my sexual desire.  This morning, I sent her a picture of two Panda bears cuddling with each other and I told her I loved her.

Later on in the late morning, I almost always give her a call for no reason from work.  If she answers, I say, "Hi.  I was calling just to say 'hi'. How are you?"  That's where we start.  I try not to have an agenda.  I try not to have anything we need to discuss like finances.  I just call to say "hi".  We go from there.  Usually, our phone call is only 3 minutes, but that is all she needs to know that I love her and want to pursue her.

Your wife, fiancee, or girlfriend wants to be pursued.  She doesn't just want the flowers and romantic dinners, although that is important as well.  She wants the daily rituals.  It won't get old for her.

What are some of your rituals? Feel free to submit a comment.